See Case Study
The Opportunity
Carr’s, a British table water cracker manufacturer, was popular in Europe and enjoyed a respectable following in the United States specialty food market. In the early 1990s their management decided to greatly expand their lineup of cracker offerings plus develop a full range of cookie varieties. With so many new products about to hit the market, it was felt that this would be the ideal time for a new package design look.
The Solution
Comp Design analyzed the Carr’s situation and felt that a new design was needed that would reflect the upscale and high quality attributes of the product while retaining its British heritage and tradition. The challenge would be to not alienate their existing core customer base while attracting new customers to their expanding line extension. We felt a family look was necessary to unify the many new products and to make it easy for customers to quickly identify a Carr’s package on the shelf whether it was crackers or cookies. It was decided that a black band with vertical gold rules on each side would be placed on the left side of each box. Within this black band would be a white Carr’s logo on top with Her Majesty the Queen’s official seal of approval in gold underneath. This graphic of the prominent Carr’s logo and the Queen’s official seal of approval gave the impression that this was a high quality product steeped in British tradition.
It was also decided to depict a single close-up photo of one cracker and place it to the extreme right of the box. All descriptive copy would go in between these two elements.
This simple, yet upscale and elegant approach was the format for all the cracker varieties and carried over to a similar design for the cookie packaging. Over a 10 year period Comp Design worked on all package design, advertisements, sell sheets, FSIs, and point of sale displays.
Carr's Table Water Crackers are a traditional British style crispy cracker that originated in Jonathan Carr's small bakery in the city of Carlisle, England in 1831. From the British Industrial Revolution until today, Carr's has thrived with a sophisticated selection of crackers and cookies in addition to its flagship table water variety. Comp Design's package designs are currently in use today and to read the Case History, see below.